Share Your Story for a chance to win 1 of 2 $25 University of Guelph Bookstore gift cards!
Have you participated in an Experiential Learning or Co-op experience? A hands-on learning opportunity on or off-campus associated with U of G? The Experiential Learning Hub wants to hear from you!
Click here to share your Experiential Learning feel-good stories [1] with us by filling out the Student Success Story webform and be automatically entered into a draw to win a gift card to the U of G Bookstore. Did you receive a job related to your career path after taking part in the experience? Did you find a new love for something, or benefit from experiences you wouldn’t have elsewhere? We want to hear about what you were involved in and what you learned, so tell us all your favourite moments.
The #ShareYourUofGStory contest closes Friday, August 21, 2020 at 5:00 pm and winners will be announced Monday, August 24, 2020. We’re looking to showcase diverse experiences across campus meaning current students at any year level as well as University of Guelph alumni are welcome to submit a story, and all programs are encouraged to share with us.
The Experiential Learning Hub features weekly student and alumni success stories on our website and social media platforms, to showcase the amazing work that is happening both on and off campus. Experiential Learning and Co-op provide unique opportunities to engage in hands-on learning experiences in your chosen field. These opportunities take form in multiple variations across campus including:
- Community projects or placements
- Hands-on applied research courses or certificate programs
- Volunteer work in the community
- Leadership programs
- Field courses or other experiential learning course
- Work experience through co-operative education
- Working on-campus
- Incubator/ Accelerator program
- Internship, externship, work study or paraprofessional placements