Have you ever considered working abroad? 
A global work experience does more than add a 'cool' factor to your resume. You will gain an increased understanding of other parts of the world, its people and perhaps, most importantly, yourself.
Working abroad is not for everyone, but the unique challenges you face may very well be your best reward. We have gathered a list of sites that we feel will be helpful in an international job search.
Useful Resources:
Verge Magazine [1] - Comprehensive resource for those wanting to volunteer, work, study, live or adventure overseas
Things to Consider If You Would Like To Work Abroad [2]
Opportunities For Volunteer and Paid Work Abroad [3]
Project Visa [4] - Use this resource to find the nearest Embassy of the country you are interested in. Embassies are the best place to find up-to-date information about getting a work permit or visa (which one to get and how long the process takes).
Exchange Vistor Program Information (U.S) [5] - The Exchange Visitor Program allows individuals from other countries to work in the United States for up to 12 months (4 months for the Exchange Visitor Summer Work Travel Program).
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