Your hard work has finally paid off. Welcome to the world of work!
Although you may feel excited (and relieved) you might also be feeling a bit overwhelmed wondering...
What will happen on the first day?
What will my co-workers be like?
What if I really don’t know what I’m doing?
Will I like my boss? Will they like me?
When you start a new job, the fear of the unknown is completely normal. You want to do well and you want to make sure to impress your co-workers and supervisor with your abilities. This can be a stressful time and transition. Click here to review your personal renewers and drainers to help develop strategies for change and managing stress [1].
The tabs below will provide you with some information to help you navigate your new surroundings and stay safe while on the job.
- Non-Disclosure Agreement [2]
- Your First Week [3]
- Your First Year [4]
- Understanding your Boss [5]
- Work/Life Balance [6]
- Safety at Work [7]