If you are a 1st year student interested in transferring into co-op, it may not be too late for you to apply!
Co-op & Career Services is accepting applications from 1st year students. Interested students must go through the co-op application process. Students applying should be studying full-time and have a 70% cumulative average to be considered and there must be space available in the co-op program you are applying to.
Applications for the following programs are now being accepted : Deadline to apply is April 7th, 2017 (4:00pm)
Mathematical Economics
Adult Development
Child, Youth & Family
Food & Agricultural Business
Hotel & Food Administration
Management Economics & Finance
Marketing Management
Public Management
Real Estate & Housing
Computer Science
Software Engineering
Biological Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Engineering Systems & Computing
Environmental Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Water Resources Engineering
Biological & Medical Physics
Chemical Physics
Food Science
**Applications are not reviewed until "First Year Review" has been completed. Students should not expect to receive offers until early July 2017. Offers must be accepted by July 31, 2017 so that students can be admitted to co-op and register for the COOP*1100 mandatory course beginning September 2017.
Note- Applicants who have deferred exams following their second semester will not be considered for the co-op program until all deferred exams have been written.
Note- Undeclared students must declare the major they are applying for on their co-op application.
Applying to Co-op
Any interested students must go through the co-op application process
2 forms (Co-op Admission Request Form & the Academic/ Work Sequence Agreement Form) must be filled out and dropped off at the Co-operative Education & Career Services Building (Building #54, beside Rozanski Hall). *If you are changing your major/specialization, you will also need to include an approved Undergraduate Schedule of Studies Change form
The forms are available at the Co-op & Career Services office, or online by clicking here [1]
Students applying should be studying full-time and have a 70% cumulative average to be considered and there must be space available in the co-op program you are applying to.
The Co-op Advantage...
- Receive a higher starting salary
- More successful job search after graduation
- Gain career related experience
- Supplement your portfolio
- Gain confidence with job searching
- Build strong work references
- Get your foot in the door
If you have any questions about the co-op application process, please contact our office at (519) 824-4120 x52323 or email, recruit@uoguelph.ca
Good Luck!!!