Co-operative Education at The University of Guelph
The University of Guelph has been delivering quality co-operative education programs for 40 years!
Over this time, our program offerings have grown to over 50, ranging from the Arts, Commerce, Computing, Agriculture, Sciences and Engineering.
For many employers, co-op provides short and long term recruitment solutions. Students can rotate into established co-op positions within an organization, or fill short-term contract needs.
Co-op students have the ability to work both independently and as part of a team, completing special projects and balancing daily responsibilities.
At the University of Guelph, we promote quality in our co-op programs by encouraging in the development of learning goals, conducting in-person work term visits and facilitating the work term performance evaluation process.
Unique features of The University of Guelph co-op program include:
Student availability for four or eight months, program specific, with Hotel and Food Administration, Food Science and Microbiology offering candidates for twelve month terms.
Students have completed nearly half of their undergraduate degree program prior to their first work term.
Employment services team available to assist employers with job postings, interview scheduling details and job offers.
Efficient, streamlined hiring process, which features a standard two business day job posting period, and the ability to extend job offers to the preferred candidate(s) immediately following the interview. Students respond to offers within two business days. No waiting or fees. Post, interview, HIRE!
Work terms which include student goal setting, work term visits from co-op co-ordinators, work term report submissions to faculty members and a final performance evaluation. Work term report and performance grades are recorded on students’ official transcripts.
COOP*1100, a mandatory one semester course that prepares co-op students for their job search and work terms.
Click on the links below to learn more about hiring a University of Guelph Co-op Student:
- Co-op Programs
- Co-op Recruitment Timelines
- Salary Ranges
- Co-op Forms
- Tax Credit Information
- Employer Responsibilities
- Co-op Awards
The University of Guelph’s co-operative education program is accredited by Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL) and adheres to the standards set and monitored by the CEWIL Accreditation Council.