Alumni Services

We're still here to help you! ""

The Experiential Learning Hub extends our full range of programs and services to alumni* free of charge (for 12 months after graduation).

Alumni Services:

  • Search Jobs on Experience Guelph - Alumni receive free access to the U of G online job posting site Experience Guelph
  • Book an appointment with a Career Advisor - resume/ cover letter review, personal statements, mock interviews, job search or further education advising, career planning, 
  • Online Career Subscriptions

All alumni need to register for services through the Experience Guelph website in order to be able to access services. To register for an account, click here.

If you would like to find employment services offered in your geographic location (within Ontario) contact the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

*The EL Hub considers an alumni a graduate with a diploma or degree obtained specifically through University of Guelph academic programs.  We encourage Guelph-Humber Alumni to seek assistance from Guelph Humber Career Services where a full range of services are available targeted to Guelph-Humber graduates.