Alumni Services
We're still here to help you!
The Experiential Learning Hub extends our full range of programs and services to alumni* free of charge (for 12 months after graduation).
Alumni Services:
- Search Jobs on Experience Guelph - Alumni receive free access to the U of G online job posting site Experience Guelph
- Book an appointment with a Career Advisor - resume/ cover letter review, personal statements, mock interviews, job search or further education advising, career planning,
- Online Career Subscriptions
All alumni need to register for services through the Experience Guelph website in order to be able to access services. To register for an account, click here.
*The EL Hub considers an alumni a graduate with a diploma or degree obtained specifically through University of Guelph academic programs. We encourage Guelph-Humber Alumni to seek assistance from Guelph Humber Career Services where a full range of services are available targeted to Guelph-Humber graduates.