Hire a U of G Student this Summer - Post Your Jobs Now!
The University of Guelph is now accepting your co-op job postings for the Summer 2021 work term (beginning in May).
Employers can hire students from over 40 co-op programs including Business, Engineering, Computing, Science and Arts, for 4, 8 or 12 month work terms (program specific).
Our employment services team can arrange your virtual interviews
We support work-from-home and in-office working arrangements (or a mix of both) during the pandemic. Students and their employers are expected to follow local public health guidelines and any applicable organizational health and safety protocols
Employers can benefit from a variety of funding opportunities and hiring incentives
Click here to post your jobs now!
*If you are considering hiring a student for the Summer, but would like more about our program or hiring process, please feel free to reach out and I'd be happy to set up a call to discuss, (519) 824-4120 x52323, or email us at recruit@uoguelph.ca