Joseph Bachar
Meet Joseph Bachar:
About Joseph
Joseph Bachar is a co-op student going in to his third year at the University of Guelph, working towards a Bachelor of Arts Honours degree in Psychology. Last semester, Joseph worked for the Experiential Learning Hub as a Co-op Project Assistant and made a great impact on the department. Joseph tells us about the work that he did in this role, how the co-op term compared to his expectations, the skills he’s developing through co-op, and his advice to other students.
What was your role in the Experiential Learning Hub (EL Hub)?
“My role at the EL Hub was a Project Assistant for the Co-op department. The primary focus of my work was to assist with the development of the new Associate Diploma Program COOP*1100 content. Aside from that, I helped to improve current Degree Program COOP*1100 content and did other projects on the side to promote the EL Hub such as the EL Hub Fair.”
Was this your first co-op term? If yes, how did it compare to your expectations? If no, where else have you worked?
“This was my first co-op term. I had very little expectations going into the work term as I had never done remote work before. I ended up enjoying this work term a lot and found that remote working arrangements can be very satisfying.”
What was your favourite thing that your worked on, or memory from your co-op term at the EL Hub?
“I think my favourite thing that I worked on was the Social Media and Professional Online Communications Topic for Unit 4 of the Diploma Program COOP*1100. I feel extremely proud of developing an all-new topic based on the needs of the Diploma Programs. It will be launching this Fall 2022 semester, so I am eagerly awaiting the initial feedback on my work.”
What skills do you think you're developing through co-op?
“I think I have really developed my job-hunting skills overall through this program. My employability and ability to write resumes and cover letters have substantially improved since becoming a co-op student.”
Would you recommend co-op programs to others? Why or why not?
“I would recommend the Co-op program to other students. It helps develop your employability before you graduate university and develops your job-hunting skills. For me personally, I have learned more about how to find jobs, write targeted resumes and cover letters, and do interviews from doing the co-op program then from anything I did in high school.”
What's your top interview tip for co-op students?
“My top interview tip would be to try and guess what the employer is going to ask you during the interview. Think about what questions they may ask you and how you would respond to said questions.”
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
“If there is a co-op position available at the EL Hub, I highly recommend applying for it. The working environment is one of the most pleasant and supportive I have worked in. It’s a lot of fun, with fantastic people that will help you grow!”