
"Entrepreneurs, in the purest sense, are those who identify a need–any need–and fill it” – Brett Nelson, Forbes Contributor

Many innate entrepreneurial qualities, such as identifying common needs and thinking of creative and innovative ways to fill them, cannot always be taught inside the lecture hall.  Universities foster entrepreneurship by partnering with catalyst centres, offering entrepreneur courses, providing opportunities for entrepreneurial co-op work terms, and hosting information sessions and events that showcase entrepreneurship. If you are thinking about entrepreneurship as a career choice, it is important to do research and make use of the many resources available for new entrepreneurs.

Start with the BDC Entrepreneurial Self-Assessment: A tool presented by the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) to help you measure your entrepreneurial potential.  This quiz is best used as a guide to measure your obvious strengths and challenges with regards to entrepreneurship, and to point out skills you may need to focus on developing.